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Now you're only 6 months away from the fantastic smile you've always dreamed of, with the revolutionary Cfast Treatment.


What is Cfast?

Cfast is a gentle, minimally invasive treatment for adults that uses sound orthodontic principles to straighten the upper and lower front six teeth - the 'Social Six' that make up your visible smile. Using a tooth coloured wire and clear brackets, it gently straightens your teeth to give you that healthy, beautiful smile.


How does it work?

Cfast uses special nickel - titanium wires to straighten your teeth in a controlled and predictable way. The treatment uses lighter forces than traditional orthodontics, so it is more comfortable as well as much quicker.


How can it be so much faster than traditional braces? Traditional orthodontics focus on the position of your bite, so can take years of treatment wearing metal braces. Cfast focus on just the front teeth that make up your visible smile, so treatment time is far less.


Will the teeth stay straight after treatment?

After completing the Cfast treatment, you will need to wear a retainer to support your teeth in the new position.


You can choose from different retainer options, ideally with a bonded retainer placed after the Cfast treatment.


What are the drawbacks?

Cfast is comfortable, safe and affordable. It is a cosmetic procedure and is not always suitable if specialist orthodontic treatment is required.

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